Chapter 6 Algebra Checklist
6.1 Properties of Exponents
ð Reread 6.1 notes outside of class
ð Complete Big Ideas 6.1 using your notes and available videos.
ð Review submitted Big Ideas 6.1 and practice skills review for missed questions.
ð Complete IXL: (20 minutes a day recommended, works on cell phone)
o Understanding negative exponents
o Evaluate expressions using exponent rules
o Identify equivalent exponential expressions II
ð Complete “Pink” practice page for 6.1 (under resources in gradebook)
6.2 Radicals and Rational Exponents
ð Reread 6.2 notes outside of class
ð Complete Big Ideas 6.2 using your notes and available videos
ð Review submitted Big Ideas 6.2 and practice skills review for missed questions.
ð Complete IXL: (20 minutes a day recommended, works on cell phone)
o Convert between rational exponents and radicals
o Evaluate integers raised to rational exponents
ð Complete “Pink” practice page for 6.2 (under resources in gradebook)
6.3 Exponential Functions
ð Reread 6.3 notes outside of class
ð Complete Big Ideas 6.3 using your notes and available videos
ð Review submitted Big Ideas 6.3 and practice skills review for missed questions.
ð Complete IXL: (20 minutes a day recommended, works on cell phone)
o Identify linear and exponential functions from graphs and tables
o Graph exponential functions
o Domain and range of exponential functions
ð Complete “Pink” practice page for 6.3(under resources in gradebook)
6.4 Exponential Growth and Decay
ð Reread 6.4 notes outside of class
ð Complete Big Ideas 6.4 using your notes and available videos
ð Review submitted Big Ideas 6.4 and practice skills review for missed questions.
ð Complete IXL: (20 minutes a day recommended, works on cell phone)
o Exponential growth and decay: word problems
o Write exponential functions: word problems
ð Complete “Pink” practice page for 6.4 (under resources in gradebook)
6.5 Modeling with Exponential Functions
ð Reread 6.5 notes outside of class
ð Complete Big Ideas 6.5 using your notes and available videos
ð Review submitted Big Ideas 6.5 and practice skills review for missed questions.
ð Complete IXL: (20 minutes a day recommended, works on cell phone)
o Compound interest: word problems
o Write linear and exponential functions from tables
ð Complete “Pink” practice page for 6.5 (under resources in gradebook)
Full Chapter Review
ð IXL Checkpoints:
o Checkpoint: Exponential functions
ð Big Ideas Practice test with unlimited checks