Make your mark!
Welcome to Mrs. Zafra's Class

About Me

Passion Makes Perfect
My name is Haven Zafra. I am a mom of 5, Buckeye football fan, I love the outdoors and pushing myself to try new things. I have always enjoyed math and science. After going back to college for my 3rd degree I realized I can get paid to go to school everyday. TEACH! This will be my 8th year teaching. Most of my time was spent in middle school math. As an algebra and geometry teacher, I strive to make math accessible and engaging for all of my students. I believe that everyone has the potential to excel in math, and I work hard to create a supportive and inclusive classroom environment where students feel comfortable asking questions and taking risks. Through hands-on activities, real-world examples, and personalized instruction, I aim to help my students develop a deep understanding of mathematical concepts and build the skills they need to succeed both in and out of the classroom.
Dear Parents and Guardians,
As we get this academic year started in Algebra/Geometry, I want to ensure that you are aware of key procedures and guidelines to support your students’ success in this class.
1. Communication: For the most effective communication, please use Remind. If you prefer email, you can reach me at ZafraH@ivyhawnschool.org. However, please note that I stop checking emails at 3 PM and do not check them on weekends. Remind is the best option for a quick response. Remind codes: @zafraalg for Algebra @zafrageo for Geometry
2. Absences: If your student is absent, they have one week from the date of their return to submit any missed formatives. Copies of all notes and assignments will be available in the absent bin, on my website (https://zafrah9.wixsite.com/zafra), and on Gradebook. Please ensure that missed work is turned in within this timeframe to avoid getting behind. Missed testing days will be made up on the return date unless an exception is made by Mrs. Zafra.
3. Assignment deadlines: All assignment deadlines are posted on Gradebook. Students must email me to inform me of any late submissions (anything after due date); otherwise, the work will not be graded. Late assignments will not be accepted after the chapter test. If there are extenuating circumstances, please communicate with me before the due/test date.
4. Organization: Students should keep all notes/work in a 1-2” 3-ring binder with dividers specifically for this class. (No other classes work should be in this binder.) This will help them stay organized and easily access necessary materials. Additionally, students need to bring a calculator to class daily. (A compass and protractor will be used in Geometry.)
5. Reassessments: Students have one week from the assignment or assessment due date to request a reassessment. To do so, they must submit a re-take ticket. Please note that all assignments from the relevant chapter must be submitted before a retake will be granted. Thank you for your attention to these guidelines. Your support and communication are crucial to your child’s success in Algebra/Geometry. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out.
6. Plagiarism/Cheating: If students are caught using any resources other than an approved reference sheet during tests they will be given a zero and will not be allowed to retest.