Chapter 5 Algebra Checklist
5.1 Solving Systems of Linear Equations by Graphing
ð Reread 5.1 notes outside of class
ð Complete Big ideas 5.1 using your notes and available videos.
ð Review submitted Big ideas 5.1 and practice skills review for missed questions.
ð Complete IXL: (20 minutes a day recommended, works on cell phone)
o Is (x, y) a solution to the system of equations?
o Solve a system of equations by graphing
o Solve a system of equations by graphing: word problems
ð Complete “Pink” practice page for 5.1 (under resources in gradebook)
5.2 Solving Systems of Linear Equations by Substitution
ð Reread 5.2 notes outside of class
ð Complete Big ideas 5.2 using your notes and available videos
ð Review submitted Big ideas 5.2 and practice skills review for missed questions.
ð Complete IXL: (20 minutes a day recommended, works on cell phone)
o Solve a system of equations using substitution
o Solve a system of equations using substitution: word problems
ð Complete “Pink” practice page for 5.2 (under resources in gradebook)
5.3 Solving Systems of Linear Equations by Elimination
ð Reread 5.3 notes outside of class
ð Complete Big ideas 5.3 using your notes and available videos
ð Review submitted Big ideas 5.3 and practice skills review for missed questions.
ð Complete IXL: (20 minutes a day recommended, works on cell phone)
o Solve a system of equations using elimination
o Solve a system of equations using elimination: word problems
ð Complete “Pink” practice page for 5.3(under resources in gradebook)
5.4 Solving Specials Systems of Linear Equations
ð Reread 5.4 notes outside of class
ð Complete Big ideas 5.4 using your notes and available videos
ð Review submitted Big ideas 5.4 and practice skills review for missed questions.
ð Complete IXL: (20 minutes a day recommended, works on cell phone)
o Find the number of solutions to a system of equations
o Solve a system of equations using any method: word problems
o Solve a system of equations using any method
ð Complete “Pink” practice page for 5.4 (under resources in gradebook)
5.5 Solving Equations with Graphing
This section of the book will be covered within the other sections.
5.6 Graphing Linear Inequalities in Two Variables
ð Reread 5.6 notes outside of class
ð Complete Big ideas 5.6 using your notes and available videos
ð Review submitted Big ideas 5.6 and practice skills review for missed questions.
ð Complete IXL: (20 minutes a day recommended, works on cell phone)
o Does (x, y) satisfy the inequality?
o Graph a two-variable linear inequality
o Write two-variable inequalities: word problems
ð Complete “Pink” practice page for 5.6 (under resources in gradebook)
5.7 Modeling with Linear Functions
ð Reread 5.7 notes outside of class
ð Complete Big ideas 5.7 using your notes and available videos
ð Review submitted Big ideas 5.7 and practice skills review for missed questions.
ð Complete IXL: (20 minutes a day recommended, works on cell phone)
o Is (x, y) a solution to the system of linear inequalities?
o Solve systems of linear inequalities by graphing
ð Complete “Pink” practice page for 5.7 (under resources in gradebook)
Full Chapter Review
ð IXL Checkpoints:
o Checkpoint: Linear inequalities
o Checkpoint: Systems of equations and inequalities
ð Big ideas Practice test with unlimited checks